Lord's Day Worship Service
Silent Prayer and Prelude
*Call to Worship
*Salutation & Invocation
*Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #87
Children’s Choir
Psalter Selection #10 Psalms 25 (responsive reading from the Trinity Hymnal) pg. 613
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 20 pg. 535
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 27 (Q&A 72-74) pg. 80
Congregational Prayer
*The Apostle’s Creed (Located in Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23) pg. 34
Hymn & Offering “A Wonderful Saviour” . . . . . . . . . . . . #675
Scripture Reading: John 6: 1-14 pg. 1047
Sermon: “Our Lord’s Compassion and Power”
*The Lord’s Prayer (Located in Heidelberg Catechism) pg. 14
*Hymn “At the Name of Jesus” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #124
*Silent Prayer and Postlude
*Congregation Stands
We welcome to our Pulpit this morning Pastor Phil Poe.
Vacation Bible School will be July 10-13 in the evenings.
If you’d like to help please contact Jason Demland.
You can sign up your kids using the form linked here.
All members are invited to a “town hall” meeting with the Consistory after the worship service today to discuss how things are going in the life of the church and what the rest of the year will look like. Jason Demland will provide an update from the latest Synod meeting as well.
Our Men’s Fellowship will be meeting again on Saturday, June 10th at 8 AM. We will be studying Lord’s Day 21 in the Heidelberg Catechism.
Our consistory will meet again on Tuesday June 13th at 7 PM.
If you would like to have a prayer request placed in the bulletin, please speak with an elder.
PRC Prayer Requests:
We would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who because of illness and difficulty have been unable to attend worship.
Pray for Pastor Altman and his family.
Pray for Bianca Altman’s parents who are struggling with health issues.
Continue to pray for Pastor Paul Treick and his family.
Continue to pray for a full recovery for Rev. Lee Johnson.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: 5/21 Leo Altman
Silent Prayer and Prelude
*Call to Worship
*Salutation & Invocation
*Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #87
Children’s Choir
Psalter Selection #10 Psalms 25 (responsive reading from the Trinity Hymnal) pg. 613
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 20 pg. 535
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 27 (Q&A 72-74) pg. 80
Congregational Prayer
*The Apostle’s Creed (Located in Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23) pg. 34
Hymn & Offering “A Wonderful Saviour” . . . . . . . . . . . . #675
Scripture Reading: John 6: 1-14 pg. 1047
Sermon: “Our Lord’s Compassion and Power”
*The Lord’s Prayer (Located in Heidelberg Catechism) pg. 14
*Hymn “At the Name of Jesus” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #124
*Silent Prayer and Postlude
*Congregation Stands
We welcome to our Pulpit this morning Pastor Phil Poe.
Vacation Bible School will be July 10-13 in the evenings.
If you’d like to help please contact Jason Demland.
You can sign up your kids using the form linked here.
All members are invited to a “town hall” meeting with the Consistory after the worship service today to discuss how things are going in the life of the church and what the rest of the year will look like. Jason Demland will provide an update from the latest Synod meeting as well.
Our Men’s Fellowship will be meeting again on Saturday, June 10th at 8 AM. We will be studying Lord’s Day 21 in the Heidelberg Catechism.
Our consistory will meet again on Tuesday June 13th at 7 PM.
If you would like to have a prayer request placed in the bulletin, please speak with an elder.
PRC Prayer Requests:
We would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who because of illness and difficulty have been unable to attend worship.
Pray for Pastor Altman and his family.
Pray for Bianca Altman’s parents who are struggling with health issues.
Continue to pray for Pastor Paul Treick and his family.
Continue to pray for a full recovery for Rev. Lee Johnson.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: 5/21 Leo Altman
Bulletin Date: 05/21/2023