March 19, 2023

“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) We sincerely welcome everyone this morning to Peace Reformed Church! May you be blessed through the worship of our Most High God!

Lord's Day Worship Service

  • March 19, 2023                       10:00 AM      

    Silent Prayer and Prelude


    *Call to Worship

    *Salutation & Invocation

    *Hymn   “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”        #87

    Psalter Selection #3 Psalm 8,9 & 11       pg. 608

    Old Testament Reading: Psalm 13         pg. 531

    Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 18 (Q&A 49-50)              pg. 58

    Congregational Prayer


    *The Apostle’s Creed (Located in your Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23)


    Hymn & Offering “In The Hour of Trial, Jesus, Plead For Me”   #475


    Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:1-13                  pg.  1193                    


    Sermon: “The Promise We Wait For ”


    The Lord’s Prayer


    Hymn “Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet”  #465


    * Benediction




    *Silent Prayer and Postlude                                               


    *Congregation Stands



  • We welcome to the Pulpit this morning Pastor Phil Poe. Phil is a retired RCUS minister, currently residing in the Dayton area.


    The Children’s Choir will be practicing following the worship service next Sunday, March 26th.


    Our Good Friday Service will be held on Friday, April 7th at 7:00 PM. We will observe the Lord’s Supper. Any visitors who are in good and regular standing with their own congregation, and who agree with our confession regarding the Supper, which is outlined in the Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 75-82, and have sought permission from the elders prior to the service, are invited to partake with us. Permission slips are available on the lectern in the fellowship hall.


    Our Easter Sunday worship service will be held at 9 AM. There will be no Sunday School. If you are interested in preparing and serving breakfast immediately following the service, please speak with the elders.


    Our Annual Spring Cleaning Day will be Saturday, April 15th at 8 AM. Anyone willing to help is welcome.


    If you would like to have a prayer request placed in the bulletin, please speak with an elder.


    PRC Prayer Requests:


    We would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who because of illness

    and difficulty have been unable to attend worship.


    Pray for Pastor Altman and his family especially during his sabbatical.


    Pray for the Consistory of our Church.


    Continue to pray for a full recovery for Rev. Lee Johnson.


    PRC Birthdays and Anniversaries


    Mike Altman (3/20) , Rosalie Waymire (3/24)

  • March 19, 2023                       10:00 AM      

    Silent Prayer and Prelude


    *Call to Worship

    *Salutation & Invocation

    *Hymn   “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”        #87

    Psalter Selection #3 Psalm 8,9 & 11       pg. 608

    Old Testament Reading: Psalm 13         pg. 531

    Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 18 (Q&A 49-50)              pg. 58

    Congregational Prayer


    *The Apostle’s Creed (Located in your Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23)


    Hymn & Offering “In The Hour of Trial, Jesus, Plead For Me”   #475


    Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:1-13                  pg.  1193                    


    Sermon: “The Promise We Wait For ”


    The Lord’s Prayer


    Hymn “Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet”  #465


    * Benediction




    *Silent Prayer and Postlude                                               


    *Congregation Stands


  • We welcome to the Pulpit this morning Pastor Phil Poe. Phil is a retired RCUS minister, currently residing in the Dayton area.


    The Children’s Choir will be practicing following the worship service next Sunday, March 26th.


    Our Good Friday Service will be held on Friday, April 7th at 7:00 PM. We will observe the Lord’s Supper. Any visitors who are in good and regular standing with their own congregation, and who agree with our confession regarding the Supper, which is outlined in the Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 75-82, and have sought permission from the elders prior to the service, are invited to partake with us. Permission slips are available on the lectern in the fellowship hall.


    Our Easter Sunday worship service will be held at 9 AM. There will be no Sunday School. If you are interested in preparing and serving breakfast immediately following the service, please speak with the elders.


    Our Annual Spring Cleaning Day will be Saturday, April 15th at 8 AM. Anyone willing to help is welcome.


    If you would like to have a prayer request placed in the bulletin, please speak with an elder.


    PRC Prayer Requests:


    We would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who because of illness

    and difficulty have been unable to attend worship.


    Pray for Pastor Altman and his family especially during his sabbatical.


    Pray for the Consistory of our Church.


    Continue to pray for a full recovery for Rev. Lee Johnson.


    PRC Birthdays and Anniversaries


    Mike Altman (3/20) , Rosalie Waymire (3/24)


Bulletin Date: 03/19/2023