Lord's Day Worship Service
Silent Prayer and Prelude
*Call to Worship
*Salutation & Invocation
*Hymn “Crown Him With Many Crowns” #216
Psalter Selection #1 Psalm 1 & 2 pg. 607
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 10 pg. 530
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 15 Q&A #37, #38 & #39 pg. 49
Baptism of Adelaide Jeanette Waymire
Congregational Prayer
The Apostle’s Creed (Located in your Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23)
Hymn & Offering “All Glory Laud and Honor” #173
Scripture Reading: Psalm 51:12-19 pg. 555
Sermon: “The Effects of True Repentance”
The Lord’s Prayer
Baptism of William Daniel Barham
Hymn “It is Well With My Soul” #580
*Silent Prayer and Postlude
*Congregation Stands
Congratulations to Matt & Aimee Waymire for the Baptism of Adelaide Jeanette in the service today!
Congratulations also to Josh & Mary Barham for the Baptism of William Daniel in the service today!
The Children’s Choir will be practicing following the service this morning.
If you are able and willing to host any of our visiting pulpit supply during the time of Pastor Altman’s sabbatical, please see one of the elders.
The Waymire Family would like to invite the congregation to stay for lunch in the fellowship hall following the service this morning to celebrate the baptism of Adelaide Jeanette Waymire.
PRC Prayer Requests:
We would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who, because of illness and difficulty, have been unable to attend worship.
Continue to pray for the family of Joanne Schroeder as they grieve her passing.
Continue to pray for the Wright Family as Luke continues to recover from his most recent surgery.
Continue to pray for a full recovery for Rev. Lee Johnson.
Pray for the Consistory of our Church.
Silent Prayer and Prelude
*Call to Worship
*Salutation & Invocation
*Hymn “Crown Him With Many Crowns” #216
Psalter Selection #1 Psalm 1 & 2 pg. 607
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 10 pg. 530
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 15 Q&A #37, #38 & #39 pg. 49
Baptism of Adelaide Jeanette Waymire
Congregational Prayer
The Apostle’s Creed (Located in your Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23)
Hymn & Offering “All Glory Laud and Honor” #173
Scripture Reading: Psalm 51:12-19 pg. 555
Sermon: “The Effects of True Repentance”
The Lord’s Prayer
Baptism of William Daniel Barham
Hymn “It is Well With My Soul” #580
*Silent Prayer and Postlude
*Congregation Stands
Congratulations to Matt & Aimee Waymire for the Baptism of Adelaide Jeanette in the service today!
Congratulations also to Josh & Mary Barham for the Baptism of William Daniel in the service today!
The Children’s Choir will be practicing following the service this morning.
If you are able and willing to host any of our visiting pulpit supply during the time of Pastor Altman’s sabbatical, please see one of the elders.
The Waymire Family would like to invite the congregation to stay for lunch in the fellowship hall following the service this morning to celebrate the baptism of Adelaide Jeanette Waymire.
PRC Prayer Requests:
We would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who, because of illness and difficulty, have been unable to attend worship.
Continue to pray for the family of Joanne Schroeder as they grieve her passing.
Continue to pray for the Wright Family as Luke continues to recover from his most recent surgery.
Continue to pray for a full recovery for Rev. Lee Johnson.
Pray for the Consistory of our Church.
Bulletin Date: 02/26/2023