Silent Prayer & Preparation
*Call to Worship
*Salutation & Invocation
*Hymn “O God, My Strength and Fortitude” #524
Psalter Selection #20 Psalms 40:11-17 & 41 (responsive reading from the Trinity Hymnal) pg. 620
New Testament Reading: Luke 21 pg. 1033
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 40 (Q&A 105-107) pg. 119
Congregational Prayer
*The Apostle’s Creed (Located in Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23) pg. 34
Hymn & Offering “The Lord’s My Shepherd” (3rd tune) #77
Scripture Reading: Acts 4:13- 22 pg. 1072
Sermon: “The Reign of the Risen King: ”
The Lord’s Prayer (Located in Heidelberg Catechism) pg. 14
*Hymn “To God Be The Glory” #667
*Silent Prayer and Postlude
*Congregation Stands
Our Men’s Fellowship will meet next on Saturday, September 9th at 8AM. We will be studying Lord’s Day 24 in the Heidelberg Catechism.
The consistory will be meeting next on Tuesday September 12th at 7 PM.
Our family visitation schedule is posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Visitations will begin in September. If your date does not work, please attempt to switch with another member. We encourage you to listen to the MARS Roundtable podcast, episodes 172 and 173 on the how and why of family visitation by Rev. Paul Ipema.
If you would like to have a prayer request placed in the bulletin, please speak with an elder.
Silent Prayer & Preparation
*Call to Worship
*Salutation & Invocation
*Hymn “O God, My Strength and Fortitude” #524
Psalter Selection #20 Psalms 40:11-17 & 41 (responsive reading from the Trinity Hymnal) pg. 620
New Testament Reading: Luke 21 pg. 1033
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 40 (Q&A 105-107) pg. 119
Congregational Prayer
*The Apostle’s Creed (Located in Heidelberg Catechism Q&A #23) pg. 34
Hymn & Offering “The Lord’s My Shepherd” (3rd tune) #77
Scripture Reading: Acts 4:13- 22 pg. 1072
Sermon: “The Reign of the Risen King: ”
The Lord’s Prayer (Located in Heidelberg Catechism) pg. 14
*Hymn “To God Be The Glory” #667
*Silent Prayer and Postlude
*Congregation Stands
Our Men’s Fellowship will meet next on Saturday, September 9th at 8AM. We will be studying Lord’s Day 24 in the Heidelberg Catechism.
The consistory will be meeting next on Tuesday September 12th at 7 PM.
Our family visitation schedule is posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Visitations will begin in September. If your date does not work, please attempt to switch with another member. We encourage you to listen to the MARS Roundtable podcast, episodes 172 and 173 on the how and why of family visitation by Rev. Paul Ipema.
If you would like to have a prayer request placed in the bulletin, please speak with an elder.
Bulletin Date: 08/27/2023